Seeing as we are no longer in the second wave of feminism, and for many good reasons, the existence of men being detrimental can no longer be a part of this sort of discourse! It is antithetical to the current phase of feminism (and intersectional feminism, and anti-white-supremacism, and anti-capitalism, and anti-colonialism, and all the many other fronts the people of the world are fighting for justice and equity) to remove men from the equation.
No test can measure whether a thing is feminist or not, not even mine. What is feminist or not, as we've established, changes drastically depending on other cultural pressures and changes! That's always been my core argument- that not only is the Bechdel Test a joke told in a comic book, but it cannot be held up as the go-to rubric for a concept as vast and ever-changing as "feminism"